Authentic collaboration

Learn how Ngā Ara Tipuna helps strengthen relationships between local Māori, council and government.

“One of the biggest things I've seen as probably the most harmonious and most authentic interaction between local council and local Māori.” – Conrad Nepe Apatu.

Thanks to Conrad, Kelly Annand, Dr. Roger Maaka, Brian Morris, Alex Walker for their kōrero.

Ngā Ara Tipuna - Authentic Collaboration


Duration: 2:58

Uplifting music plays.

[A shot of Waipukurau township from the top of a pā site. The view pulls back, to reveal a large, white waharoa (carved entranceway) at the top of the hill.]

[Text: Ngā Ara Tipuna – Authentic collaboration]

[Text: Ngā Ara Tipuna is a digital storytelling trail in Waipukurau, Tamatea Central Hawke’s Bay.]

[Mid-shot of Kelly Annand, a Pākehā woman with blonde hair and glasses, wearing a black suit.]

[Title: Kelly Annand – Deputy Mayor, Central Hawke’s Bay]

Kelly: When I reflect on the last seven years of this project, what has been most significant is that it was in a lot of ways the beginnings of a relationship and a discussion around what is partnership in Tamatea Central Hawke's Bay.

[Mid-shot of Dr Roger Maaka, a Māori man. He stands outside at the base of the Ngā Ara Tipuna trail.]

[Text: Dr. Roger Maaka - Ngāi Tahu ki Takapau, Emeritus Professor, Eastern Institute of Technology (EIT)]

Roger: We have partnered with Central Hawke's Bay District Council and our own hapū members, whānau members to make this vision a reality.

[Drone footage of young woman reading signage about Ngā Ara Tipuna, under a waharoa (carved entranceway). A high-angled shot of the top of the pā site]

Roger: That's what, as I understand, this whole project is part of the vision of our people to reinstate our stories and reinstate our mana in a visible way upon this landscape here.

[Mid shot of Brian Morris, a Māori man wearing a check shirt. He stands outside on a walking track.]

[Brian Morris – Ngāti Mārau, Ngāi Te Rangitotohu, Cultural lead for Ngā Ara Tipuna]

Brian Morris: You know, we have a saying in Māori, mā te huruhuru te manu kārere: a bird needs feathers to fly.

[Drone footage of the top of the pā site, a bird flies towards the camera and swoops across it.]

Brian: And in order for this bird here to fly, it needed a lot of feathers.

[Mid-shot of Brian as he continues to speak]

Brian: And so the government fund was there to be accessed. And so that's why we took the opportunity. And we're really grateful.

[Mid-shot of Alex Walker, a Pākehā woman. She has blonde, shoulder length hair and glasses. She wears a colourful shirt and a bright blue scarf. She stands outside, halfway up the pā site.]

[Title: Alex Walker – Mayor, Central Hawke’s Bay]

Alex: To be mayor of Central Hawke's Bay at this time of launching Ngā Ara Tipuna is an incredible privilege.

[Various crowd shots from the pōwhiri, at the opening event of Ngā Ara Tipuna]

It makes me feel emotion to my heart just to talk about it. And to have heard the aspirations of our rangatira of our community shared with us

[Mid-shot of Alex as she continues to speak]

Alex: And to see that come to life is something so so very special.

[Mid-shot of Conrad Nepe Apatu, a Māori man with a tidy beard. He wears a brownish red beanie and a green jacket. He sits outside on the edge of a walking track.]

[Title: Conrad Nepe Apatu – Ngāti Mārau, Ngāi Te Rangitotohu]

Conrad: One of the biggest things I've seen as probably the most harmonious and most authentic interaction between local council and local Māori.

[Various shots of people from the public walking around the pā site.]

The interest that I've seen generated, we probably wouldn't have received this project here 10, 15 years ago. I don't know whether the township, the community would have been ready to receive it.

[Mid-shot of Conrad as he continues to speak.]

Conrad: But it has been really received. And the majority of the people that I see up here have been people in their 60 years plus, non-Māori people, and are genuinely taking an interest in what this kaupapa's been a part of. There's been a few tears, a lot of sweat. But, you know, very, very humbling. Very humbling.

[Drone footage following the Tukituki river in Waipukurau]

[Text: Ngā Ara Tipuna is a partnership between Tamatea Hapū, Te Taiwhenua o Tamatea, Central Hawke’s Bay District Council and Locales.]

[Drone footage capturing the top of the pā site]

[Text: Kānoa – Regional Economic Development & Investment Unit provided a grant of $2.9 million from the Provincial Growth Fund, adding to more than $1 million in funding from council, community trusts and other groups.]

[Drone footage showing the top of the pā site. A bird swoops towards the camera.]

[Three logos appear: Kānoa Regional Economic Development & Investment Unit, Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment Hīkina Whakatutuki and Te Kāwanatanga o Aotearoa New Zealand Government]

[Fade to black]

Music fades out.