Online toolkit supports fresh start for rangatahi
Published: 23 November, 2020
Young people around the country will have the chance to grow in confidence and overcome barriers to social connection thanks to the newly launched online toolkit, Timatanga Hou.

Bros For Change founder Jaye Pukepuke (right) addresses the crowd at the Timatanga Hou launch on Friday 20 November 2020.
The interactive online module was designed by Jaye Pukepuke, founding director of a renowned youth employment programme in Canterbury known as Bros For Change.
After achieving initial successes through the MBIE co-funded programme, Jaye said he’d been inundated with calls from service providers wanting him to run similar programmes around the country.
"Timatanga Hou came about because we were getting approached by organisations asking us to come and run the programme in their area, but we just couldn’t be everywhere at once," says Jaye.
"The toolkit provides agencies and service providers with the manual for how we run Bros For Change. It’s pretty much the 'go to woah' of our programme, online for easy access."
Jaye says Timatanga Hou is designed for service providers helping young people gain employment and life skills, and provides a complete guide to the values, aims, techniques, training and activities used in Bros For Change.
"It explains the approach we use. Everything from how we weave in whakapapa, to our values, pou, and how we look for kaimahi."
By purchasing the toolkit, service providers also gain access to support for their programme and a community of expertise that Jaye has developed.
"As part of the package, I go and help with setting-up. We provide virtual hui throughout the programme that providers can use to connect, ask questions and reflect on what has worked and what didn’t."
The resource was launched as part of Bros For Change’s fifth birthday in November, where current programme participants welcomed local businesses, service providers, whānau and the wider community to celebrate some significant milestones.
To date, Bros For Change has helped more than 200 rangatahi through its six week programme. A majority have been supported into employment or further education, and it’s hoped Timatanga Hou can promote similar outcomes in other regions.
"The boys were here to launch this kaupapa and show manaakitanga to our partners and supporters by serving, ushering and helping out. It’s all about our people: people first."
Find out more about the Timatanga Hou online toolkit on the Bros For Change website:
Bros For Change has received support from sources including the Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment, Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu, Te Puni Kōkiri, the Rata Foundation and Christchurch City Council.