Major new sports complex for Hawke's Bay thanks to Kānoa – RDU
Published: 23 July, 2021 · Updated: 9 December, 2021
Work has started on a major new Hawke’s Bay indoor sports complex, thanks to the support of Kānoa – Regional Economic Development & Investment Unit.

An artist’s impression of the new and expanded Pettigrew Green Arena in Taradale which is being part-funded by Kānoa – RDU
The project will significantly expand the size of the existing Pettigrew Green Arena in Taradale to 5,900 square metres of courts and sports facilities.
The Pettigrew Green Arena was originally opened nearly 20 years ago in 2003 but its popularity as a venue means it can no longer handle the greatly increased regional community demand.
The expansion project will increase the number of indoor courts from three to nine. It is expected to be completed mid-2022.
The expansion is costing nearly $19 million, with Kānoa – RDU providing around a third of that with $6.4 million through the COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund.
Napier City Council and the New Zealand Lotteries Significant Project Fund are also contributing to the funding.
The trebling of the Pettigrew Green Arena’s capacity will help meet the growing demand on Hawke’s Bay facilities for sport competitions, tournaments and events.
At the moment, venues for Hawke’s Bay’s major indoor sports - Basketball, Volleyball and Futsal - are at capacity.
These activities, along with netball, are now the fastest growing sports for youth, according to the Napier City Council, with basketball he fastest growing sport in New Zealand.
If it continues to grow at its present rate, it will soon be the country’s biggest secondary school sport.
When completed, it is hoped that the increased capacity of the Pettigrew Green Arena will help Hawke’s Bay host national events, especially at age group level, providing an economic boost for the region.
The sports expansion is just the latest addition to the list of Kānoa – RDU projects benefitting Hawke’s Bay.