Governance of the Regional Infrastructure Fund

The Regional Infrastructure Fund’s (RIF) governance ensures proper oversight and decision-making.

Decision-making on projects eligible for the Regional Infrastructure Fund (RIF) are guided by specific criteria agreed by Cabinet that align with the overall objectives of the fund and the relevant priorities of the project's region.

Governance and oversight of the RIF will be provided through the below framework:

The Regional Development Ministerial Group (RDMG) will make decisions regarding loan and equity investments up to $35 million and grants over $3 million. The RDMG comprises:

  • The Minister of Finance
  • The Minister of Infrastructure
  • The Minister of Local Government
  • The Minister for Māori Development
  • The Minister for Regional Development

Cabinet will make decisions on all eligible RIF investments over $35 million.

Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) will make decisions on grant investments of up to $3 million.

Loan and equity investments contracted under the RIF will be transferred to Crown Regional Holdings Limited (CRHL).

CRHL does not make decisions on investments, but the board of CRHL provides commercial advice on potential investments prior to ministerial decision making, and in relation to ongoing management of approved investments post-contract.

For more information see Crown Regional Holdings Limited (CRHL)